Jan 12, 2010
So refreshing to have the life back in my golf cart batteries using Renaissance Charger. Thought I was going to have to buy new batteries but now I get such long range compared to charging every day, like it use to be, it obviously works very well.Scott Childs
July 12, 2009
Hi Rick,
Yes we have been able to "restore" 6 DISCOVERY-EV31A-A. They were ready for the trash pile and unable to hold a charge. We installed them in a vehicle and got virtually the same mileage as from new ones. We are now re-charging them on (3 x 2-12volt batteries on 24 Volt charger) and will repeat the driving test several times to see how they hold up...
Peter H. Scholl
June 27, 2009
I have three 24V banks of refurbished golf cart batteries that I 've charged with the RC-15A24-120 Rejuvenator in the cycle mode two times each. Each banks' performance on a inverter running a test load of six 20w CFLs has improved approx 50-60%. I now keep these three banks topped up using the Charge mode every month or so.
I have two 24V banks of L16's that had previously been highly conditioned by a large Bedini SSG Machine. I 've charged with the RC-15A24-120 Rejuvenator in the cycle mode 1 time. This has improved each bank's performance on a inverter running a test load of ten 20w CFL's by approx 20%; and after being recharged in the charge mode of about 10% on a heaver test load of two 250W heat lamps I now keep these two banks topped up using the charge mode every month or so.
Clinton Stafford
Fort Worth, TX
May 4, and April 15, 2009
The guys down at the local auto shop hate me now after they saw I could charge up their throw away 12V car batteries. They scoffed initially!!! The RC-30A12 is completely blowing me away in its ability to recover discarded batteries. I've done about half a dozen now from the dump!----Jeff Newsom
Ok, just finished another battery which went flawlessly. This battery was a 2005, Interstate Mega Tron, rated at
550CCA, discarded at the local dump. After approximately 22 hrs on the
charger in the cycle mode, the green light came on and was in the float mode
for about an hour before I load tested it. My apologies for the poor clarity but still, it is plainly visible in the
photo that the battery load tested above 1100CCA!!!
The battery initially had no voltage reading and was a bit low on fluid. I was using a Schumacher 6/12 V battery tester. They recommend holding the switch down for ten seconds. I held it down for fifteen seconds. Rock steady reading at 1100CCA.
Cheers, JN
January 8, 2009
David Luke
1112 Beach Court
Ft. Pierce, Florida 34950
I wish to thank you for your great products. I have been listening to the development rumors about John Bedini and his battery chargers for some time. When Tony Craddock announced that they were in production and for sale, I purchased the large 30 Amp 12 volt unit. Shortly after, I purchased the 1AU for charging cordless tool batteries.
First, I found the large 30 amp system was going to pay itself out in literally no time. My intention was to build a solar bank and try to keep the costs down. Frankly, common sense says that spending $1,500 for a battery charger is a bit contrary to that effort. However, after taking the time to put a half dozen lead-acid batteries that were non-functional, back into service—I saw that I could find and bring into service older discarded batteries for a “near free” battery bank for my solar system. I am now doing that. The ‘repair’ time on these batteries has ranged from 12 hours on a smaller lead acid battery, to 4 days on a ‘pair’ of T105 Trojan batteries that are part of this solar build.
While this was going on, I started using the 1AU on my cordless tool batteries that were no longer functional—the ones that I kept hoping some day to replace the batteries in…
What I found was that some of these batteries (the ones that would no longer drive my tools at all) were “open”, that is to say, they could not give or receive current. I did a couple of ‘dissections’ and found that the commercial chargers had driven off the electrolyte leaving the batteries unable to take a charge—these I discarded at a Home Depot. The other batteries for these power tools-- I have completely ceased using the manufacturer’s charger on and only use the 1AU to charge them. The batteries charged with the 1AU have come back to full (or better) power, and they seem to run longer and produce more work while running. I am more than satisfied with this unit.
So, suffice it to say that I am way ahead economically with the purchase of your two separate battery chargers. They were well worth the expense. I have also gained some economic freedom in their use.
Thank you,
David Luke
Dec. 6, 2008
Dear RickI recently bought one of your RC-30A12-120 units. I wanted you to know that it has now
brought four of my eight unusable, highly sufated batteries back to life. It took two or
three cycles to do so. Now I am going to apply it to the other six batteries (Trojan
T105 deep dishcharge). Thank you for making it possible for me to reclame these
batteries and keep another 16 batteries (newer) working well.
Thanks for your help.
Don Thornton
April 17, 2008
I am the president of Panhandle Electric Vehicle Association in Idaho (Electric Auto Association). I am also the service Manager for Go Green Electric cars in Post Falls. I am the owner Gordo'z Electric Speed Shop. We do conversion cars there.
I have had a Renaissance RC-24A12 charger for about 2 weeks in my shop. We have been charging all kinds of different batteries with it. The battery distributor guy put a $500 tester on a battery that had been sitting for 48 hours after being charged and it was missing 20% of its lead. But it then read 125% of its capacity. So we loaded it three times with the meter to make sure there was no surface charge to give a false reading. On the third time it only took 45 seconds to recover rather than 3 minutes it usually takes for normal batteries. This battery was a 2001 around 850 CA from a dual battery diesel Dodge 2001 with Cummins. We loaded it three more times and it was fine. So at that point the local battery distributor said "when do I get one?"
So now everyone is just dropping batteries off at the shop and the charger is running constantly. Anything that is mechanically sound will recover so far. Some batteries take 12 hours and a few will take about 3 days.
It is getting to be a pain because I am spending my time restoring everyone's batteries instead of doing other work!
Gordon Ormesher
[email protected], (208) 660-8539
Mailing: 2025 E. Foxborough Court, Hayden, ID 83835
Meetings: 6:30pm, 2nd Monday of the month
Location: Go Green Electric, Post Falls, ID
April 15 2008
"I have a loader with two big batteries that wouldn't take a charge. I charged them for 10 hours but next morning batteries were low. Put both on the Rejuvenator, one came back and other was twice as good." The one battery did not come back to its full rating.
"I had two more truck batteries from Napa that were Exide truck batteries that would not take a charge. Now they are still holding charge just like brand new. They are 5 or 6 years old."
Frank Reed
Reed Enterprises, Inc.
Hayden, Idaho